Fusion Plasma Technology from Nuclear Power to Industrial Applications
Date & Time:
17 Apr 2020 (Friday); 7:00-8:00 pm
Zoom Online
Meeting ID: 378 486 479
Meeting URL: https://zoom.us/j/378486479
Deadline of
10 Apr 2020
Program Highlights:
While nuclear fission has already been
contributing to the world energy supply since 1950s, nuclear fusion has a
potential to satisfy the world’s energy need for millions of years. However, fusion is not yet commercially
viable and the first demonstrate of commercial fusion power plant is some 50
years away. The challenge in fusion is
to effectively contain the high temperature plasma for sufficiently long time
and without significant energy losses.
Concepts, such as fission-fusion hybrid, have also been put forward as
an early application of fusion technology to maximize the energy production
capability of fission while at the same time safely burn the fission
radioactive waste products. Some of these
challenges will be discussed.
While high-temperature plasma technology
for fusion still has many challenges to overcome, low-temperature plasma
technology has been successfully developed for many other applications. Some of these applications will also be
Speaker Biography:
Ir Prof. Herman Tsui is a nuclear engineer
and worked on R&D of fusion energy in UK and USA. Currently, he specializes in industrial
application of plasma technology and has successfully applied it to air sanitization. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at
the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
He earned a BSc degree in Nuclear
Engineering from Manchester University and a PhD degree in Applied Physics from
Registration and Enquiry
The seminar is free of charge and
prior registration is required. The
number of participants will be limited to 50 and applicants will be served on a
first-come-first-serve basis. Priority will be given to the members of Nuclear
Division. For registration, please submit online application via the following
weblink: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BHKYXeoAz3IT18Emi6A6K5Ktjk-7rSHcGtgxmWkS-3g/.Successful
applicants will be notified by email.
For enquiries, please contact us by
sending email to nuclear@ne.hkie.org.hk .
All information and views expressed by
speakers and in their conference materials do not reflect the official opinion
and position of HKIE. No responsibility is accepted by the HKIE or their
publisher for such information and views including their accuracy, correctness
and veracity.